Shooting comet Neowise in London

Comet Neowise - aka C/2020 F3 - is a once in a lifetime comet which is visible in the Northern hemisphere throughout July and August. It's very bright, visible to the naked eye and a total hoot to shoot.


Comet Neowise is a once in a lifetime comet, literally.

The next time we'll be able to see it is in about 6800 years apparently.

I plan to be long gone by then.

Last week I went comet hunting with my buddy Pete Jobson. We wanted to see if we could shoot the comet from the middle of London.

London and astro photography are two things you never really combine, so this would be quite the interesting mission.

I vlogged the whole experience – which had been a while – and made this video out of it. I hope you enjoy. Keep scrolling for more images!

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I've added some more photos of our nightly shooting mission below.

Camera gear used to capture comet Neowise
Comet Neowise in London as seen next to St Paul's cathedral
Comet Neowise can be seen on the left third in the middle of the image.
Closer photo of Neowise next to the dome of St Paul's cathedral
An image I shot on my phone, the Samsun Galaxy S20 Ultra. The comet can be seen to the left of the spire/tower.
When I got back home, a very content content creator.

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