The internet is filled with horrible moon composites. Today, I am teaching you how to make a non-horrible moon composite from a timelapse sequence.
Click play for the video tutorial or scroll to keep reading.
So first of all you need a timelapse sequence of the moon going down.
I shot mine on a Canon 6DMkII and a 70-200mm f2.8 lens (affiliate links), but you can shoot on cheaper gear too. Some of the other shots you saw in the video were made with the £170 second-hand Lumix FZ82.
The camera settings I used were: f4 ISO1000 1/4s and a 8 second interval triggered on the LRTimelapse Pro Timer 3. Read my review about the LRTimelapse Pro Timer here.
Import the photos in Lightroom and colour grade them however you please, then export them as JPEGs (or load them into Photoshop as RAW files but this takes up more processing power) then open Photoshop.
In Photoshop go to the top menu bar and click File > Scripts > Load files into stack.
Let it process and once done go to the Layer panel, select all the layers and then change the blending mode to Lighten.
BOOM, you're done.
Get all the best tools and techniques to become a great timelapse photographer.
- Master the art of timelapse in no time with The Ultimate Timelapse Course.
- Get the e-book The Ultimate Timelapse Guide.
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