Hold on to your butts, it's volcano time!
CleverDarkElve, real name Linda Van Rosmalen, is a a full time freelance landscape and timelapse photographer.
On a recent mission (alongside Martin Heck from TimeStorm Films) she captured the Cumbre Vieje volcano on La Palma in glorious 8K resolution.
From the video description: “Hello human! From October 10-17, 2021 I spent a week photographing the then active volcano in the Cumbre Vieja mountain range on La Palma island in the Canaries. After 86 days of eruption the volcano went dormant on December 13th, 2021 and was officially declared over on December 25th, 2021. To my knowledge the volcano has not yet been officially given a name (as of January 7, 2021) therefore my film title is not wholly accurate.”
You can support Linda's beautiful work via donating to her PayPal: graduatelinda[@]hotmail.com
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