How to remove birds in a timelapse

Timelapse photography, the ultimate cinematic experience. Through the looking glass of warped time we get to see the world from a different perspective. There’s nothing like...

The Cloud Palace – 6K London Timelapse Film

I'm very happy to present The Cloud Palace, my latest London timelapse film. It is made up of about 60,000 RAW photographs focusing on...

Ten day Utah astrophotography road trip.

In June 2019 I went on a Utah astrophotography road trip with a stranger. Watch the video to find out if I got murdered...

Why you need LRTimelapse 6

Four years after the release of LRTimelapse 5 we are now at the final stages of the LRTimelapse 6 beta versions, with a final...

Meteor explosion caught on camera.

On the 31st of May, 2019 I was on a road trip through the state of Utah. The goal of this road trip was...
6dmkii sunset timelapse tutorial

6DMkII sunset timelapse tutorial

This blog is all about my latest 6DMkII sunset timelapse tutorial. If you want to find the easiest way to shoot a holy grail timelapse then you've come to the right spot!

How to shoot lightning photos

Lightning photography isn't as hard as you think it is. With this tutorial you'll learn how to shoot lightning photos both in the day time and at night.
Timelapse flickering

How to prevent and solve timelapse flickering

Timelapse flickering, most often caused by your lens aperture not closing properly can be prevented in a number of different ways.
Timelapse software cover

Must have timelapse software

This article talks about which timelapse software I use and why. It features Photoshop, Lightroom, After Effects and LRTimelapse and covers basic and advanced...

The Great Conjunction from London

Saturn and Jupiter are currently moving across the sky, slowly creeping closer and closer together until they appear to be one big, bright star...