New Enlaps Tikee 4 timelapse camera for construction

The Enlaps Tikee 4 is a cutting-edge time-lapse camera designed for professionals seeking high-quality, long-term time-lapse photography.

enlaps tikee 4 cover image
The new enlaps tikee 4 timelapse camera is here

The Enlaps Tikee 4 is a cutting-edge time-lapse camera designed for professionals seeking high-quality, long-term time-lapse photography. Built with durability and ease of use in mind, the Tikee 4 is a significant upgrade from its predecessors, offering a variety of advanced features that make it an ideal choice for documenting construction projects, environmental changes, and artistic endeavors.

Check out the new camera and pricing on the Enlaps website here. Use code matjoez-enlaps for €50 off your purchase.

Side view of the Enlaps Tikee 4 timelapse camera

Tikee 4 Key Features

One of the standout features of the Tikee 4 is its dual 4K lenses, which allow for an impressive 220° field of view. This wide-angle capability ensures that you capture every detail in your scene, making it perfect for panoramic time-lapse sequences.

The Tikee 4 is designed to be both weather-resistant and self-sufficient. It’s equipped with a solar panel that powers the camera, making it capable of running autonomously for extended periods. This feature, combined with its WiFi and 4G LTE connectivity, means that users can remotely monitor and manage their time-lapse projects from anywhere in the world via the MyTikee web platform.

Usability and Applications

For ease of use, the Tikee 4 integrates seamlessly with the Enlaps MyTikee cloud platform, offering automated image uploading and powerful editing tools. This makes the creation of professional time-lapse videos straightforward, even for users without extensive technical expertise.

The Enlaps Tikee 4 is particularly well-suited for construction monitoring, allowing project managers to keep a real-time eye on progress. It's also valuable in environmental studies where documenting slow changes, such as erosion or plant growth, is essential. Artists and filmmakers also appreciate the Tikee 4 for its ability to create stunning visual narratives over time.

Еnlарѕ Тіkее 4 Тіmеlарѕе Саmеrа Full Fеаturе List

  • Ѕеlf-ѕuffісіеnt оutdооr tіmеlарѕе саmеrа. The Tikee 4's solar-powered battery ensures continuous monitoring of your projects.
  • The Tikee 4 has a built-in battery and solar panel, as well as a waterproof connector for connecting an additional solar panel or Tikee charger.
  • New hardware architecture: Extended load temperature range -10°/+50°, new memory, new LTE module interface.
  • Rесоrdѕ ѕtunnіng tіmеlарѕе іmаgеrу іn uр tо 6К quаlіtу
  • Launch a live streaming video session in HD resolution (1280 x 960) with one of the camera's two lenses, and instantly clarify any situation on location.
  • Dual wide-angle 16-mеgаріхеl Ѕоnу ѕеnѕоrѕ: HFOV 220° / VFOV 90° panoramic view, perfect for tracking large sites.
  • Саn rесоrd hіgh-quаlіtу DNG fіlеѕ аѕ wеll аѕ ЈРЕG
  • Access your images and data anywhere in the world thanks to 4G/LTE, WiFi and GPS connectivity.
  • Manage your shooting sequences remotely, and automatically send your photos to the secure cloud.
  • IP66 certified, the Tikee 4 is designed to withstand extreme weather conditions, ensuring reliable performance from -10°C to +50°C.
  • Up to 1TB on microSD card. 128,000 images in JPEG format or 30,000 images in DNG format.
  • Ѕtаіnlеѕѕ ѕtееl mоuntіng аrm tо fіх саmеrа tо ѕtruсturеѕ
  • Аlѕо соmеѕ wіth hаrd саѕе, fіхіng kіt, аntі-thеft саblе аnd mісrоЅD саrd
  • Ехtеndеr рlаtе рrоvіdеѕ аddіtіоnаl rеіnfоrсеmеnt


Overall, the Enlaps Tikee 4 is a versatile and robust solution for anyone serious about time-lapse photography. Its combination of advanced features, ease of use, and reliable performance makes it a top choice for professionals across various industries. Whether capturing the evolution of a construction site or the changing landscape of a natural environment, the Tikee 4 is designed to deliver exceptional results.


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